Workshop on school education towards road safety

Workshop on school education towards road safety, entitled “Moving with respect”, 31st of January 2018

Smart Drive Ltd participated in the workshop for traffic school education, organized by both the primary and secondary education directorates of eastern Thessaloniki and the relevant offices for health education of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The workshop took place in Thessaloniki at the Premises of YMCA of Thessaloniki (ΧΑΝΘ) on the 31st of January 2018.

Around 100 Greek teachers had the opportunity to be informed regarding the capabilities of Smart Drive’s interactive equipment towards accident prevention in transportation, construction and mining. A particular impression came from the heavy machinery simulators, especially when the speaker explained that they are being used in the USA and Canada schools for providing a safer attitude and a professional orientation.

Smart Drive’s manager, Mrs. Merka Chrysoula was one of the invited speakers, with a presentation entitled “Innovative training methods in traffic education, via simulators and other interactive tools”.

Among the others, the participants were able to be informed about a new web platform for road safety of the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, available at This platform has been already been proposed by the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs as the guide containing part of the appropriate educational content in order to used for the obligatory lessons in the Primary Education level in Greek schools.