In 2019, Smart Drive expanded its operations in Asia and the Middle East, as well as in the US. In Bulgaria, it promoted the development of a network of driving simulators and road safety in collaboration with well-known journalists such as Mrs Angelova.
In Greece Smart Drive participated in the 7th Supply Chain & Logistics Exhibition at the Metropolitan Expo in Athens between 9-11 November 2019, in which he presented 3 driving simulators of all categories of vehicles and heavy machinery, a roll over car simulating an accident with 50 km/h, a seat belt convincer with a double seat, reaction time devices, simulation goggles, and other interactive cognitive tools. Read more…
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An electric vehicle Tesla Model 3 started from California an unofficial road trip. It crossed the US, passed to Canada and then through England continued in Europe. One of his stations would be the city of Thessaloniki in Greece, during the start of the 11th Hi Tech EKO Mobility Rally 2018 on Saturday 26 May (more about the race at, where the vehicle was supposed to be presented to organizers, rally crews and viewers, just before the start of the race.
On Friday, May 25th, his voyage suddenly stopped after an accidental incident out of the city of Florina in Greece, while (according to driver’s statement) the car was on the autopilot.
Smart Drive Ltd was present at the ECO Festival held in Serres, providing advice on safe and eco-driving / traveling with interactive learning tools. The tools presented were the following:
- Passenger car simulator
- Truck/bus simulator
- heavy machinery simulators
- Drug, fatigue, sleep deprivation goggles
- Reaction time correlation – stopping distance
- Driver’s / passenger’s weight in the event of a collision
- Informative videos for safe and eco-driving.
Over the past twenty years, more than 18,000 people have been killed in Bulgaria and over 175000 were injured. Annually, the direct and indirect costs for Bulgaria in road accidents are estimated between 1 and 2 billion Levas. The traffic accidents are the leading cause of deaths among the young people of aged from 15 to 29, the second ages between 5 and 14 and the third between ages 30 and 44 years old.
The Greek eCall Video at the new eCall EU Webpage, 3rd of June 2014
The eCall, an automatic pilot system sending a message to the emergency services in case of a traffic accident, was presented during the International Conference held on 25 April 2014, at the Main Auditorium of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.
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The second 3D simulator has been installed in Bulgaria. The first one is being used for educational and public awareness purposes, while the second simulator will be used for research and training purposes. Read more…
A new software for Serres Racing Circuit has been developed into Foerst Driving Simulator within 2013, under the frame of the cross border Interreg Project between Greece – Bulgaria which was called Promo Safe Driving. Read more…
One of the measures proposed by the EU for the reduction of traffic accidents concerning the decade 2011-2020, is the upgrade of driver training. Among other EU proposals, is the suggestion to use driving simulators. Read more…