ISO 39001:2012
Innovative services towards operational excellence
Transportation of persons and goods represent a significant percentage of a company/organization annual turn over. It is necessary to use innovative methods towards the reduction of transportation costs via transport work optimization, the reduction of fuel and energy consumption, and the increase of the vehicles and heavy equipment life. Moreover, in case of an accident, the company/organization will prove that it has already informed its personnel about the risks of the vehicles/heavy machinery driving/handling, which is quite important in case of severe accidents.
Smart Drive suggests the implementation of specialized training seminars on road safety and sustainable mobility, in combination with the certification of an ISO 39001:2012. Smart Drive has been included in the list of TUV Nord’s external technical supporters. It is also cooperating with experienced partners in Road Safety studies towards the harmonization at the Road Traffic Safety Management Systems.
Smart Drive is a unique company in the Southeast Europe which provides equipment that allows simultaneous training and/or research on drivers’/operators’ behavior across different vehicle/machinery categories towards accident prevention in transportation, construction and mining.
ISO 39001 “Road Traffic Safety Management” is an ISO standard concerning a management system (similar to ISO 9001) on Road Safety. The implementation of this specific standard is designed to encourage various organizations towards the improvement of Road Safety, reducing the number of persons killed or severely injured in road accidents.
ISO 39001:2012 applies to all Organizations / Businesses (public & private), the operation of which is directly or indirectly related to Road Safety issues. For example:
• Logistics companies,
• Transport companies,
• Companies with fleet vehicles (bus, Roadside Assistance, couriers),
• Taxi companies,
• Private schools and
• Administrators highways / motorways.
Benefits by implementing the standard:
• Internationally certified and recognized standard,
• Compatible with the standards ISO 9001:2008 (Quality), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental) & OHSAS 18001:2007 (Health & Safety),
• Easy to apply, especially in companies which already have a management system,
• Contributes on the improvement of corporate social responsibility and promotes reliability in providing transport services,
• Improvement of Road Safety by minimizing the risk of potential accidents.
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